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My Girl, sv Ruth Ann |
Somewhere between stubborn and stupid, I’ve never been afraid to push the limits of my own financial health to pursue something that was important to me. Nevertheless, I turned sixty this year and while I don’t know what the heck happened, I may have just made the most mature financial decision that I’ve made in twenty or thirty years. I’ll share that after some humblebrags as an introduction.
It may have started when I was recruited for a job in Florida. It was another sales job but one that paid about four thousand less in base salary compared to what I had been getting in Detroit, but twice the commission rate. I was confident in my sales abilities, but my fiance at the time didn’t think it was a good deal. I took the job anyway and we broke up.
We started talking again and that poor woman ended up following me to Florida, where we were wed. Then I had the chance to start a business. Of course, I discussed it first with my new wife and had her initial blessing but when it got tough – really tough – we split again. I actually got sued for $600,000, but was working at the shop when a sheriff arrived to hand her the paperwork. The hell of it was that she was probably right all along about my business partner and our business.
About the same time as the divorce, my business partner and I had to split with our original financial partner. We were then just scraping by, getting paid for what we could build. Soon later, my partner’s wife, a nurse, was in rehab as a part of a plea deal after getting busted for writing her own prescriptions. Their two kids were in high school and it was a lot for their dad to keep home and hearth and family together. There wasn’t much business, so I was often manning the shop on my own and doing whatever I could to earn a few bucks on the side. I actually once lasted a week on pound of brown rice and whatever spices and odd bits I had. I lived on a little twenty four foot sailboat for a time and then in a twenty two foot camper. I had a number of odd jobs to stick with the business; delivered flowers, set up retail displays, cleaned offices and apartments, sold my plasma, and drove a taxi.
I finally left Florida and the business to return to Michigan. Not long after, I fell in love again, married and divorced again, and then cashed out an incipient 401(k) to buy an old sailboat and escape the rat race. In sixteen years I’ve had a variety of odd jobs to support my boat habit. I’ve been through four boats of varying degrees of readiness. I’ve worked outside and in the comfort of an office; even in the pharmacy of a hospital all while working on my boats. I’ve also crewed on boats, once quitting a job just so I could spend an unlimited amount of time helping prep a boat for launch and then sailing down the coast from New York to Florida.
I finally made it to sea on my own boat in December 2022. I had just finished installing a diesel engine in my fourth “escape boat.” We launched near Wilmington, NC and I was finally free. I was starting to live the life I had dreamed of, but had only made it about 250 miles when I was caught in Savannah, Georgia by a horrific winter storm. I was nearly broke and had been racing to Florida so that I could find some work during the winter months. With my plans sifting through my fingers, I swallowed my pride and asked for help. Several friends and family helped me stay at a marina for nearly a week of nights in the twenties. A friend or two, who really believed in my project, have also helped me at random times just when I needed it most.
I was pushing the limits of logic and propriety but I was doing it. I had started to figure out how to make it work. It also felt as if I was inspiring a few individuals who had been flirting with the idea of escaping in a similar way. Those around me really had no idea how close to “the edge” I was playing. I spent some time in Stuart, Florida the first winter and had made it back there again for my second winter in December 2023. It is a beautiful spot that is very friendly to cruisers in a state that is often not that friendly. I made some dear friends there too, but in 2024 I had gotten into a rut. I wasn’t wandering, I was staying there and working three nights a week in a laundromat; just getting by. I wasn’t saving any money ahead.
In late spring 2024, I faced a three pronged dilemma. It was forecast to be a busier than normal hurricane season. I needed to head north to get out of the worst of the hurricane zone and needed to find a place relatively safe from storms but also where I could find some work. I was going to need some kind of job to maintain myself and to replenish my “cruising kitty.” Thirdly, I realized that I could offer some help if I was near the family too. I decided to haul the boat and go back to Michigan for a while.
Initially, I was going to stay up north just for the hurricane season which is June to November. There are a couple boat projects that I want to work on before I relaunch sv Ruth Ann. From my previous experience, however, I knew that if I went back to the boatyard in November or December, I wasn’t going to be able to do much work with important supplies like paint or resin because of the winter temperatures; even in Florida. The plan to return slipped to late February or March.
When I came back to Michigan, I wasn’t going to get a driving job again, but because that was what I had done most and most recently, it was easier and faster to find gainful employment driving again. The company I am driving for is a good little company with lots of work. I’m putting in tons of hours and making pretty good money. Down south I had been much more active and was living like I had taken an oath of poverty. Back in Michigan, with a little money and lots of temptations within an arm’s reach, sitting on my ass in a truck all day has not been a healthy existence. I let it get out of hand and got out of shape, but I am now working hard to get back to a better lifestyle.
I had to buy a car. I’ve spent some money at the doctor and the dentist. Now the reality is that if I went back to the boatyard in March, after some boat projects and other expenses, I’d be back in the water but back in survival mode as well. A whole different plan started to soak into my brain. I’ve decided to keeping working (and helping) in Michigan until about September. After squirreling away as many “boat bucks” as I can this year, I’ll be able to properly prep sv Ruth Ann, finish the projects, launch her, and have some money left over to wander a bit. Then …. drum roll …. I can get on Social Security (assuming it’s still available) in May 2026. My goal all along was to have the freedom to just wander around, to sail around. In the last year or so, I had been thinking a lot more about money and spending more time working than I had anticipated. I have a couple side businesses going but I’m never sure that my lifestyle is conducive to more entrepreneurial activities. The projects are stumbling along and not even feeding me yet. I’ve never planned much for retirement but my humble social security income would be enough to freely wander on the boat for as long as I am able. I will be as free as I have ever been and living the life I’ve always dreamed of. This new plan, the life, would not be possible if I hadn’t started planning for it - and fighting for it - sixteen years ago. If I had stayed comfortable or stayed normal, I wouldn’t be able to be doing this now. Cheers to the vagabonds, the hobos, the artists, and the wanderers! Cheers to not fitting in!
Epilogue: Since I started writing this, I have had to spend some more money on doctors. Nothing serious, but tedious and expensive. The new plan is still the plan, but in addition to keeping an eye on what might happen to Social Security in the next months, I am also constrained slightly by medical expenses. I will be back to Ruth Ann one way or another. I have always done all my own work on her, but I am having the boatyard do a couple projects for me while I am away in order to keep her ship shape and, when the time comes, to make getting her back in the water a little easier and faster. Cheers and stay tuned.