Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Keep On Truckin'

Well, I hit the wall in Bay City trying to find work to fill in the Boat Refit. It was spooky the way the economy in Michigan $%^&-canned the job search. I've had to drop the Vagabond Hero stuff. I'm back in the working world for a while. I've spent the last couple weeks at CDL Truck Driving School. It is company sponsored so as long as I drive for a year, I won't owe anything for the school.

I passed the State Exam this morning. There is no stopping me now I suppose. I should be out on the road with a trainer next week.

The silver lining is that now I'll have some time and some good cash flow to refit In A Mist. She'll be a bit better equipped and I'll definitely have more cash in the kitty when I go. I'll post some of my adventures here. Thanks for all the moral support you've given me. Have Fun.

Woah ... What The Heck Happened?

My Girl, sv Ruth Ann Somewhere between stubborn and stupid, I’ve never been afraid to push the limits of my own financial health to pursue s...