Friday, May 10, 2024

Temporarily Closed

The last few months, I’ve been in limbo and just getting by. I’ve been working three evenings a week and trying to hold myself together. The universe didn’t ask if I was prepared or not, but I’ve had to spend a bunch of money at the dentist recently. So, when it also seemed like I could help the family up in Michigan, I decided to do just that. I’m going to spend some time up north helping out and making some money. 

I’ve been lucky enough to be doing exactly what I’ve always wanted to do for the last couple years. Nevertheless, I’ve been bogged down for several months, not really traveling but hanging out in one spot or another for a length of time so that I could work. For a variety of reasons, it’s a good time for a reset. I have no regrets. I’ll be right back.  #BRB


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